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41 search results for:荆72g


Legal Governance of Artificial Intelligence Strategies for Compliance under Emerging U.S. and European Regulation

…nding the correct application of technical elements during the AI system’s development phase, the measures to be applied during its use, the suitable ways in which to interpret the AI system’s output, and, in the case of affected persons, the knowledge necessary to understand how decisions taken with the assistance of AI will have an impact on them. In the context of the application this Regulation, AI literacy should provide all relevant actors i…


FAQ’s on Business Exit Planning and “Corporate Divorce” (or “Business Divorce”)

…primary customer or a primary service provider. Succession planning for a change of ownership (or “change of control”) can merely pass the baton, or it can reconfigure the enterprise through strategic merger. For example, family founders might hire a new global manager to help integrate new owners who merge their foreign entities into a holding company, where the new global manager digitally transforms a once-local business into an integrated glo…