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41 search results for:荆72g



…s: William B. Bierce, Esq., Bierce & Kenerson, P.C.; Michael Muth, Foreign Commercial Service Officer, Department of Commerce; Michael Waxman-Lenz, CEO, Intead, LLC. Interactive panel discussion of the challenges and opportunities of forming strategic alliances with foreign businesses and foreign tech companies. Secrets of Global Branding: Developing and cultivating your global footprint across various global business models and brand management m…


Nine Strategies for Protecting Your Business against Unfair Competition after FTC’s Ban on Non-Competition Covenants

…using on trade secrets and other confidential information. This applies to commercial companies, not just tech and software. Non-Disclosure Agreements. The FTC rule does not prohibit agreements that the employee will not use third-party confidential information in your business and will always maintain confidentiality of defined confidential information in your business You might add a clause that you can check with the employee’s next employer wh…