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47 search results for:籍CPT


Webinar – Tech-Driven Strategic Alliances

…ife cycle of the strategic alliance, different business models including: Licensing vs. M&A; One-way vs. cross-licensing; Grantbacks and ownership of IP; Entity-type JV’s vs. contract-type JV’s; Uses of options to ensure IP rights; and Financial tools: co-investment, profit-sharing and co-funding. In addition to business models, we will explore adaptive relationships across the lifecycle of mutual growth and different business models, including: t…


Practice Areas

…ng the life cycle of a business, from start-up to emerging and established companies. This practice is cross-functional with our legal support in the areas of corporate and intellectual property and technology law. Bierce & Kenerson, P.C. advises domestic and foreign entrepreneurs and businesses on building and growing stakeholder value through new ventures, joint ventures, strategic alliances, effective operations, supply chain management, busine…