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47 search results for:籍CPT



…and other lawyers across the globe. Our team of attorneys has individual accomplishments and credentials. To view their bios, select an attorney. Alumni Over the years, our firm has enjoyed the teamwork, camaraderie and support of many individuals who have worked for us as students, administrative staff, marketing support and lawyers. We welcome your visits and news on your own personal career development. We invite all alumni to contact us for wa…


Insightful Moments

…lving IoT Regulation Insurance IoT USA, Miami, Florida, December 1-2, 2015 Comparative Laws & Practices in several countries relating to Innovation, Business Growth and the Practice of Law [L’Innovation dans la Pratique du Droit, Le Droit de l’Innovation aux Etats-Unis, Innover Ailleurs, Enfer ou Paradis ?] Congrès de réseau d’avocats, November 6, 2015, Bordeaux, France Taking UK Tech to the U.S.: Business Planning and Operations, Londo…