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38 search results for:应4sy


CLE Course – LLC Toolkit for Designing Collaborative Business Models: Sweat-Equity, JVs and Global Services Businesses

…on Internet technologies (such as “cloud computing” and “software as a service”) as well as hands-on services by entrepreneurial employees, contractors and other service providers. Sweat-Equity Businesses. Sweat-equity businesses depend on incentive compensation structures. This webinar will identify and provide a roadmap for using “membership interest options” and “profit interests” in LLCs as incentive compensation. Such approaches are particula…


Awards and Recognitions

…t that in one highlight, the firm worked on the dissection of a shared services captive, owned by two separate banks, into two separate outsourcing services relationships with two different global service providers. Clients: Bierce & Kenerson acts for a wide range of clients, many of which are from the IT sector but some of which come from the banking, insurance, and biotech industries. Individuals: Name partner William Bierce, who is based in New…