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38 search results for:应4sy


Beverly L. Deickler

…e law for over 25 years, handling transactions of all sizes and degrees of complexity. She has represented landlords and tenants in commercial, manufacturing, retail and residential properties, major retail chains, condominiums and private and institutional real estate investors and managers. She has advised on real estate transactions ranging from acquisitions and sales of properties all over the country, to bulk sales and financings of multi-pro…


FAQ’s on Business Exit Planning and “Corporate Divorce” (or “Business Divorce”)

…trauma. But a lawyer with a deep understanding of corporate divorce can recommend a variety of choices on resolution at whatever stage you are in. It’s your job to get informed and make some business decisions to avoid being surprised or abused. Don’t wait for a disaster: plan to avoid or minimize it.   How to Plan for Business Divorce. Set up an appointment with Bill Bierce, author of Smarter Business Exits, to help stabilize your company. He ca…