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51 search results for:李cEy


William B. Bierce Professional Profile

…usinesses”), Expertises des Systèmes d’Information (November 2013), • “International Trade Regulation of Internet Businesses” by William B. Bierce, published by New York State Bar Association (October 2013). • “Cybersécurité Le Partage « Volontaire » de Données Personnelles avec les gouvernements” (Translation: “Cybersecurity Volunteer Sharing with the Government”), Expertises des Systèmes d’Information (December 2012),…


U.S. Tech Startups: Pending Legislation on American Global Entrepreneurs, Job-Creators and Innovators

…02. See, e.g., Startup Act of 2001, S. 1965, supra, which would direct the Comptroller General to assess the costs and benefits to prospective investors, shareholders, and securities markets of allowing smaller stock issuers to opt out of company regulatory requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. More broadly, this would requires the head of any federal or independent regulatory agency, before issuing a notice of rulemaking in connection w…