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51 search results for:李cEy


Paul Tour-Sarkissian

…Lee, Mayor of San Francisco, to serve on the San Francisco Small Business Commission for a 4-year term. He is the author of numerous articles and has co-authored two books, The Essential Guide to California Restaurant Law (Carolina Academic Press 2010) and Trusts Américains et Pratique Notariale Française [American Trusts and French Notary Practice] (Defrénois [France] 2013). Education Masters of Law (Taxation, with honors) and MBA (Banking and F…


Restructuring – 1

…strategies may have to be utilized in order accomplish a client’s goals, particularly when a foreign company decides to do an inversion and change its corporate domicile to another taxing jurisdiction. We are experienced in planning, structuring and documenting the U.S. transactions necessary to complete this type of restructuring. We collaborate with foreign law firms as well as other professionals. This practice is closely aligned with our pract…