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63 search results for:冷h16


Webinar – Tech-Driven Strategic Alliances

…Time U.S. Speakers: William B. Bierce, Esq., Bierce & Kenerson, P.C. Description: Innovation thrives on effective, well-planned and managed strategic alliances. In the tech sectors, strategic alliances can take many forms in order to fit the particular circumstances of the people, organizations and products. This webinar will provide an overview of key design and performance indicators for strategic alliances, with a focus on issues involving thos…


Practice Areas

…vendors, distributors, technology developers, service providers and supply chain manufacturers. commercializing clients’ intellectual property, which is vital to the success of their business. We advise on the protection, acquisition, sale and merchandising of trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, trade names and domain names, ranging from retail to software and mobile applications. counseling e-businesses who use social media on compliance, liab…