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63 search results for:冷h16


Global Sourcing

…t enables entrepreneurs and businesses to transform their operations by adopting more adaptive cost-effective ways to do business through technology, shared sourcing, outsourcing, and human resource management. Mastering this process enables them to be more flexible and responsive to business changes and deliver improved quality of customer service. Platform for Growth. We have extensive in-depth experience in this practice and advise clients acro…


CLE Course – LLC Toolkit for Designing Collaborative Business Models: Sweat-Equity, JVs and Global Services Businesses

…issues, this webinar will consider basics for capital structure, incentive compensation, admission of new members and governance. Legal Structures for Collaboration in Strategic Relationships: Contracting (Supply Chain and Outsourcing) vs. Entity (LLC) . To frame the strategic relationship issues, the webinar will also present a comparative analysis that draws on experience from building strategic alliances in the supply chain. Today, “collaborati…