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31 search results for:江Zl4


Nine Strategies for Protecting Your Business against Unfair Competition after FTC’s Ban on Non-Competition Covenants

…using on trade secrets and other confidential information. This applies to commercial companies, not just tech and software. Non-Disclosure Agreements. The FTC rule does not prohibit agreements that the employee will not use third-party confidential information in your business and will always maintain confidentiality of defined confidential information in your business You might add a clause that you can check with the employee’s next employer wh…


U.S. Tech Startups: Pending Legislation on American Global Entrepreneurs, Job-Creators and Innovators

…this commercialization process, the draft law would establish a 15-member Committee on Research Commercialization Improvement that would include qualified venture capitalists (running a “VCOC” under 20 CFR 2510.3-101(d)) having a majority of U.S.-citizen partners and an accredited investor who is a “qualified Angel Investor,” to administer grant-making programs. Freedom for Employers to Transfer Jobs within the United States: Legislative prohibit…