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38 search results for:全A7h


Strategies for Controlling Risks in Artificial Intelligence: Your Business SWOT Analysis

…chain management. For compliance and risk management, every business that uses AI indirectly should mandate AI compliance and applicable limitations in supply chain contracts. Opportunities: Train Your Employees for Effective Prompting. AI tools answer questions (“prompts”). Your business processes and knowledge management depend on asking the right questions and building your own library of smart answers, solutions and processes. Use AI to inspi…


Awards and Recognitions

…, has a good name for outsourcing and IT matters. One satisfied client enthuses that he gets to the commercial nub of matters, and is good at giving feedback and thinking around problems. HRO Today selected Bierce & Kenerson, P.C. as a Top Sourcing Consultant. In May 2007, HRO Today said: Established in 1990, Bierce & Kenerson, P.C. offers a team of six senior outsourcing lawyers located across the country and connected in New York with an interna…